Jonathan Jarl 03 Trident by Filip Forsberg

Jonathan Jarl 03 Trident by Filip Forsberg

Author:Filip Forsberg [Forsberg, Filip]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9789198519532
Google: K3h4zQEACAAJ
Amazon: B08GTPXY63
Publisher: FF Publishing
Published: 2019-11-19T22:00:00+00:00

ESA, Paris, France

10 Aug 2049

The hissing sound made her shiver. The door closed behind Magdalena as she entered the room, and the chilly air caused her to tremble even more. The doctor, all in white, glanced over her shoulder at the new arrival and then back to the large, arched window in front of which she stood. Magdalena stepped forward and stood next to the doctor.

“How does it look?”

Dr. Zell raised an eyebrow. “We’ve just finished getting things ready. Now we can start the examination.”

Magdalena blushed, but this time it wasn’t the cold that turned her cheeks red. She knew that Dr. Zell was one of the best in her field; if anyone could handle this, she could.

“What’s going to happen now?”

Dr. Zell walked to a control panel and opened a menu on the screen. “Initiate calibration,” she intoned.

Magdalena placed her hand on the arched pane of glass that separated them from the man strapped to a gurney. The room was oval-shaped, and the walls appeared to be covered in a greenish, shimmering material. On the gurney, Louis Timmo tried to raise his arm, but couldn’t get it loose. He jerked harder on the heavy straps around his wrists with no luck and soon calmed down again. His eyes were closed, but from a hidden speaker, Magdalena heard faint groans.

“Does he need more sedatives?”

“No, he’s got as much as he can get. If he gets more, this test will be useless.”

Magdalena pulled out a chair and sat down. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No. You can stay if you want, but don’t disturb me. This is an extremely sensitive examination—when you get into a person’s mind like this, you can perform fantastic analyses, but it’s also very dangerous. If something goes wrong—if I’m interrupted—he could have permanent brain damage. So be quiet, okay?”

Magdalena flinched. She wasn’t used to being talked to like that, but she also knew that in this environment, she wasn’t the expert. She had to rely on Dr. Zell and her expertise.

The doctor leaned over the control table. Magdalena watched two long metal arms slide down from the ceiling and move closer to the gurney. She swallowed as one of the arms approached Louis, who was moving, at least partially awake. It was a gamble, she knew, but it had to be done.

What Louis had said the day before had shaken her. He had told her that when he’d detached himself from the virtual connection with the machines on the moon, he had begun to experience the same feeling even when he was disconnected. It shouldn’t be possible, but somehow, he had gained a constant connection to them. For several hours, they’d discussed what it could mean, but they kept coming to the same conclusion every time; the most likely reason Louis felt like he did was that there might be a machine on Earth and he could somehow sense its presence.

She felt ice in her stomach as she pondered what it meant. She’d heard rumours, but it had never been proven.


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